FIXES/CHANGES/PROBLEMS Sunday, July 17th, 2011

NPC Changes -

* Fixed All Mob Damage in the The Stormwind Stockades.
* Fixed The Stormwind Stockades Mob Damage Multiplier.

FIXES/CHANGES/PROBLEMS Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

NPC Changes -

*Stormwind Archmage's have been removed x3 and have been replaced with 4x Stormwind Guards (Level 75) they will patrol the same route the Mages did.

Server Changes -

*Starting money went up from 15 Silver to 5 gold.

FIXES/CHANGES/PROBLEMS Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

NPC Changes -

*x7 Stormwind guards (Level 26-27) Added to Goldshire since there was a lack of Defence.
*x3 Stormwind Archmage's (level 62 Elites) Added to Patrol Goldshire since there was a lack of Defence. (IMAGE HERE)

FIXES/CHANGES/PROBLEMS Monday, July 11th, 2011

 NPC Changes -

*x6 Orgrimmar Grunts have been added around the auction house to match up to Stormwinds defence.
*x4 Murloc Foragers have been added around Stone Cairn Lake to make questing easier.
*x5 Murloc Lurkers have been added around Stone Cairn Lake to make questing easier.
*x6 Miners have been added into the Deadmines to get more xp out of it.
Hunter Spell Add/Change -

*Dismiss Pet Now  Available at Level 3  Cost = 2 Silver

*Tame Beast has been increased to 4 Silver

Hunter Pet Problems -

It seems that hunter pets do not scale as well as they should, if your pet looks small dont worry it will still do the same dps even tho 
it may be small.
Pets Now have there health buffed up to what it should be when they hit level 70, it seems this is also a server problem I 
Will be working on but in the mean time we will have to do with what we have.


FIXES/CHANGES/PROBLEMS Sunday, July 10th, 2011

2 new/modified spells for the Hunter Class -  

* Tame Beast Now Available at Level 3 Cost = 1 Silver

* Call Pet Now Available at Level 3 Cost = 1 Silver

NPC Changes -

The Stormwind Stockades -
x6 Defias Captive's have been added .
x4 Defias Prisoner's have been added.
BOSS ADD/FIX -Targorr the Dread has been added and fixed.
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